Undergraduate Degree Program

This interdisciplinary major in the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome, Judaism, early Christianity, and early Islam, as well as their antecedents, explores these traditions both for their intrinsic interest and for the contributions each has made to contemporary Western society. Our combined focus on ancient cultural history in its broadest sense and on perspectives offered by cultural criticism enables students to examine the beginnings of the civilization in which they now participate.

Courses for this major address common questions about the transmission and transformation of cultures in the ancient Mediterranean world. Students examine sources, such as texts and artifacts that illuminate the process. They study how shifting cultural centers and frontiers in this world are delineated, and they explore the general integration and disintegration of specific ancient cultures. This major also offers opportunities for archaeological fieldwork and study abroad.

Single or double majors in Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations must complete at least 30 semester hours (10 courses). Students must take a core course near the beginning of their studies. They may select from the courses listed in the AMC section of the current General Announcements, or from the list of AMC courses on the AMC web site.


Students must take one course from three of the five following categories:

  • Graeco-Roman Civilization
  • Islamic Civilization
  • Jewish Civilization
  • Christian Civilization
  • Archaeological Methods & Theory

In addition, students must take one course that addresses the creation, transmission, and reception of traditions in the Mediterranean world. Courses that meet this requirement are designated as "Themes across Time."

Students must also fulfill a comparative requirement by taking either one course that, in and of itself, treats two different cultural traditions (designated "Comparative") or two separate courses on similar themes but from different cultures (e.g., Women in Greece & Rome/Women in the Islamic World).

Although not required, courses in ancient languages are recommended.

A minimum of five courses must be taken at the 300 level or above.